. Projects


In view of the modernization of the AWACS fleet, IES has created a "UHF Integrated Cositing Unit"...


The railway drone system was designed and built with the aim of being used on railways both of the specifically railway type but also adaptable on underground lines...


As part of the FREMM (Multi-Mission European Livers) and Naval Law programs, developed by the Italian Navy, IES has supplied different types of Rugged computing units...


As part of a program of the CEO, the IES has designed a leak detection system on a specific stretch of oil pipeline, through the SCADA remote control, to monitor the pressure and flow rate of the liquid...


As part of the SESAR Project, IES carried out, on behalf of ADR Aeroporti di Roma, the study and technological design of the new Control Room of the Fiumicino "Leonardo Da Vinci" Airport...


As part of the NATO SSSB Poland program, the IES was commissioned to develop the turnkey system Ship Shore Ship Buffer for voice and data communications in HF and V / UHF for the Polish...