TPA ASV 2000 Fast
The ASV2000 is an “UHF Integrated Cositing Unit” designed with the aim to improve the technical characteristics of UHF systems. It is used to improve the filtering capabilities of such systems, both in transmission and in reception, and to increase the transmitted RF power. A high selectivity, agile filter is designed to allow simultaneous operation of a large number of transceivers operating in a co-located environment. Its main features are listed below:
Frequency range: NATO UHF Band 225 ÷ 400 MHz;
Operative modes: AM-25kHz NarrowBand, Have-Quick (I and II) and Saturn;
Integration with SRT619/NV equipment;
Provides a bypass switch that operates automatically in case of device failure;
Remote Control by TCP/IP connection with SNMP v.3.0 protocol;
Device Status monitoring:
– Temperature o Power
Remote measurements:
– Output Power
– Temperature
Alarm management.